Welcome to The Daily Nugget Store

The Daily Nugget Mission:

Create tools for 'High Performing' Individuals to map out their Core Values, Life Ambitions and Goals, turning the Impossible into the Possible!

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The Vision

"1% Better than Yesterday"

This is not just another journal….

This is your North Star of accountability, providing the tools and guidance find that 1% of progress daily.

Greatness lies within.

Your Destiny awaits.


Let’s get started.

Why Journal

"Importance of Daily Gratitude"

Life is crazy right?

Not enough hours in the day?

By writing down our deepest thoughts and we can begin to take back control of our lives, living your life by design not default.

Let the adventure begin.


"Daily Gratitude is the Antidote to all of Life’s Fears…"

The Question is are YOU ready to take it?

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  • Preparation

    Identify your core values and what letters you might send to your younger self, present self and older self.

    Brainstorm your life’s bucket list, before putting a plan of meaningful actions together on how to achieve them.
  • Reflection

    Explore the importance daily gratitude. through am and pm check in’s through the daily happiness assessment.

    Here you can determine what your grateful for each day, what makes you happy and gives you daily purpose.

    A Gratitude Weekly Reflection allows you to review your weekly progress and ensure true gratitude is being achieved.
  • Goals

    Focus the mind on what do you really want to achieve in life and reach your full potential.

    Cut to the chase by breaking these ambitions into yearly, monthly and weekly goals.

    Individually categorising each goal into subsequent life aspects such as professional ,personal, health or financial related goals.
  • Vision

    Initiate your vision journey through illustrating the overall lifetime vision via a vision board.

    Dissect this lifetime vision into 10, 5, 2 and 1 year segments. take this a step further by detailing the vision into 6 and 3 month focuses.

    To really narrow in on the vision and ensure you are maximising each month of the year, we can examine this vision even further through a monthly vision board for each month.
  • Daily Notes to Myself

    This space is for brainstorming random thoughts at any point within your daily nugget journey.
    This is where your personal creativity and sense of purpose comes alive.
  • Join Our Community

    Become part of the Daily Nugget community and sign up to our WEEKLY Email Newsletter

    Its FREE. Unsubscribe anytime.


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AM & PM Reflection

Undated & Unpaginated 60 DAYS worth of Journaling.

POSITIVE Affirmations situated throughout, boosting YOUR mood in creating a POSITIVE Daily Mindset.

Thought 'Provoking Quotes & Questions'

Thought provoking questions situated throughout, making YOU STOP and listen to what YOUR true inner self is telling YOU!

Undertake tasks which ENCOURAGE Self-Discovery.

Personalised to YOU and YOUR World.

Daily 'Personal Reflection'

Provide tools for a more POSITIVE mindset!

Increased Daily Productivity through MORE Aligned FOCUS and CLARITY.

Map out 'Personal Vision'

Thought Provoking Tools to OPEN UP the Subconscious Mind.

Align YOUR Core Values with YOUR Life Goals and Desires!

Reflection on 'Life Direction'

REFLECT on your life path through writing letters to YOUNGER & OLDER versions of yourself!

State of 'Mental Clarity'

Quotes & Questions to get your mind into a state of FOCUS!

Personal 'Vision Board'

Set out YOUR Vision Board for the next 3, 6 and 12 months.

What do you WANT to ACHIEVE?

Personal 'Goals'

Set Monthly & Weekly GOALS for all aspects of your LIFE.

Your NEVER too BUSY to set GOALS. No EXCUSES needed.